07 June 2013

Kentonian in Scope

The Kenton Market opens tonight. Sure, there are bigger markets and closer markets to my home and work, but here is why I love Kenton – the neighborhood. Again, sure, other markets are located in neighborhoods, but only in Kenton can I pick up dog food at Fang & Feather, visit a liquor store without premeditation (possibly to make this drink), buy wines from the knowledgable folks at Lilac Wines and get my my local foods between 3-7 every Friday. Or if the spirit moves me go out for dinner Thai, pizza, or other Friday night choices. Or all of the above.[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=denver+and+mcclellan&aq=&sll=45.543408,-122.654422&sspn=0.326533,0.601501&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=N+Denver+Ave+%26+N+McClellan+St,+Portland,+Multnomah,+Oregon+97217&ll=45.583106,-122.686888&spn=0.005098,0.009398&t=m&z=14&output=embed&w=425&h=350]

It used to be Kenton was known only as the gateway to St. John’s. It’s hard to believe the neighborhood was overlooked, being so close to the freeway, the Columbia, nice parks, despite this it seemed the neighborhood’s best years were behind it. Even more improbable, especially considering the numerous historical buildings, McMenamins hadn’t set up shop. But things change and the neighborhood is similar to where Sellwood 15 years ago, except it’s easier to get to.

The Kenton Market, has new and soon to be Kentonized sponsor, Green Zebra Grocery. The Vancouver bound should hop off the I-5, get out of traffic and enjoy some food. Max riders can get off at Paul Bunyan (you’ll understand), bicyclists travel via bike lanes north on Interstate. However you get there, you can go enjoy the thrill of the grill with sausages from Reister farms, or weekend brunch with the return of Wag Eggs. Enjoy produce from SunGold, Dancing Roots and Food Waves. Never to late to plant a garden with Kenton Plant Starts. Learn more about our vendors here.

And of course, enjoy the neighborhood.

PSU is in the swingiest full swing and yes despite the Rose Festival it will run. Advice; approach from the south or by bike. Last week, my market meal from PSU was new potatoes and asparagus with aioli. Salad from Art at La Terra Vita tossed with chèvre from Farmucopia kept me full and happy. King on Sunday 10-2, one more week until Pioneer Courthouse Square Market. Shemanski, NW and SW’s Buckman all are ready to feed you.

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