22 June 2010

Pioneer Courthouse Square Video Tour

If you missed today’s fantastic market opening at Pioneer Courthouse Square, have no fear. Take a stroll through the market through the magic of digital video! (I’m working on getting the smells of Tastebud Bagels and fresh strawberries to come through your screen, but progress on the smell-o-vision is rather slow.)

[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/12751521 w=500&h=400]

Though the sun taunted the early-risers this morning, prompting a flurry of PDX sun-break tweets in the Twitterverse, the official first day of summer was ultimately yet another chilly gray example of Portland’s trademark Junuary. You couldn’t tell the sun’s been shy by looking at the array of produce that filled the Square, however. Zucchinis, tomatoes, cherries, blueberries, and basil were flaunting their colors and aromas, putting on quite the show. Maybe if we all take a hint from the fruits and vegetables by dressing in our brightest clothes the sun will hang around a bit more. It’s worth a shot!

We want to hear from you! What did you buy today? Any great bargains or early season surprises? I was so excited to see blueberries at The Berry Patch, and had a very hard time refraining from eating them all on the walk home. Share your own stories in the comments!

(Photos and video by Allison Jones, music by Sam Cooper)