Attention: Urban Agriculture Enthusiasts
Invitation From Nathan McClintock, Assistant Professor, Toulan School of Urban Studies & Planning
Dear Urban Agriculture Enthusiast,
We are very excited to invite you to participate in a Portland State University survey of organizations and businesses across the US and Canada involved in urban agriculture projects.
Urban agriculture is growing rapidly throughout North America, and we are interested to learn about the experiences of the organizations involved, as well as any obstacles they face. Municipalities have begun to craft new policies and regulations related to urban agriculture, and we hope that the information obtained from this study will help guide city planners and policymakers as they develop policies and programs that effectively meet the needs of practitioners.
This survey is intended for organizations and businesses, big or small, formal or informal, that are engaged in urban agriculture on any scale. The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete. Feel free to email us
( or call Nathan McClintock at 503-725-4064 if you have any questions about the study.
We appreciate your time and interest. We’d also be grateful if you could forward this widely to your urban agriculture networks throughout the US and Canada – we know that there are many exciting urban agriculture initiatives that do not have a web presence, and we would like to hear from all the organizations that are doing this great work. Apologies in advance for cross-postings.
Follow this link to the Survey:
Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:
The PSU Urban Agriculture Survey Team