Gaining Ground
GAINING GROUND is a new documentary about food justice and feeding our communities sustainably. The film features longtime PFM vendors the Hertels of Sun Gold Farm as well as Stalford Seed Farms, whose milling arm, Greenwillow Grains vends at our Saturday PSU Market. At the June 1st preview screening of the film, both farms will be on hand to discuss the project and the food issues it raises.
See below for more details about the screening and visit the GAINING GROUND website for more information.
From the filmmakers, Barbara Bernstein & Elaine Velazquez:
The negative impacts of industrial agriculture are everywhere. The increasing threat of genetically engineered food and the destruction of local communities can make us feel powerless to effect change. GAINING GROUND is an intimate view of rural and urban farmers who are embracing this challenge.
On Saturday, June 1 at 7 pm, the Media Project presents a screening of a short rough cut of our upcoming documentary film GAINING GROUND. A benefit to raise finishing funds for the film, the event takes place at the Fifth Avenue Cinema, 510 SW Hall St in downtown Portland.
GAINING GROUND tells the stories of farmers who are transforming their farming practices so they can feed their local communities sustainably grown produce and grains. From farms in Oregon’s fertile Willamette Valley to the food desert of inner city Richmond, California, GAINING GROUND reveals the ingenuity and courage of these diverse urban and rural farmers who are committed to serving and empowering their communities.
Following the screening there will be a discussion with the filmmakers and the farmers featured in the film: Vicki Hertel, Sun Gold Farm in Verboort, OR; and Willow Coberly and Harry Stalford, Stalford Seed Farms in Tangent, OR.
About the Filmmakers
Elaine Velazquez and Barbara Bernstein have been creating film and radio documentaries for over thirty-five years. Their award winning work has been broadcast on public television and radio, screened at international film festivals and distributed through broad grassroots networks. Barbara also hosts the environmental show Locus Focus on KBOO-FM.
Indiegogo Campaign
GAINING GROUND is partially funded by the Regional Arts & Culture Council, but we’ve just launched an Indiegogo Campaign to raise finishing funds for our film.
Your contribution will enable us to complete a film that instills in its viewers the potential to create change on a personal, local and global scale. Your donation will help us inspire people to make choices in their own lives that support local and sustainable food and the farmers who are working to take back our food system.
Please take a moment to check out our Indiegogo Campaign and share it with your friends. You can get perks for your contribution and follow campaign updates. If enough of us get behind this campaign we can make GAINING GROUND happen!