Get Dirty Farm Tours
Want to learn more about where your food comes from? Good news! Three of Portland’s local food specialists—Blake Van Roekel, owner of Good Keuken culinary school, Lane Selman, Agricultural Researcher and Gathering Together Farm market manager and Sara Pool, owner of Grow Me Organics—have joined forces to create Get Dirty Farm Tours, the first Oregon tour company to showcase the region’s exceptional farms, many of which are Portland Farmers Market vendors we all know and love!
By Lane Selman
Get Dirty Farm Tours unearths the culinary treasures that rest in our own backyard. Whether the venue is a vegetable farm, goat dairy, vineyard or oyster bed, these tours connect curious food lovers with farmers in our region and allow tour participants to witness firsthand how our food is grown and produced. Monthly tours focus on a seasonally appropriate topic and guests visit at least two farms in the Pacific Northwest and enjoy a catered lunch on site. Starting at less than $50/person, Get Dirty Farm Tours aims to give everyone an opportunity to have a unique and educational food adventure.
On Sunday, July 28, one can tour three urban farms nestled in the Cully Garden District of northeast Portland. As the patchwork of small farms grows in this neighborhood, eating locally can’t get any better, or closer. This “Right in Our Backyard” tour includes visits to The Side Yard Farm, Red Truck Homestead, and Cully Neighborhood Farm, followed by lunch at the Good Keuken kitchen in Old Salt Marketplace, located just down the street.
On Saturday, August 10, find out how local grains are grown and milled at one of Oregon’s few grain mills in operation! The “Oregon Grown & Milled Grain” tour will head down to Brownville to see fields of grains ranging from the common wheat to the more obscure and ancient emmer. At Stalford Seed Farms, harvest is in full swing by mid-August. We will tour fields in all stages of the harvesting process and see the storage facility where the grain is held just prior to processing. Then, at Greenwillow Grains, head miller, Mike Robinson, will take us through the entire process of milling, bagging and staging processed grains. Following the mill tour, we will have a picnic lunch on site.
The cost for each of the above tours is $69 for ONE guest or $99 for TWO which includes tours, tales, lunch and libations. Kids ages 15 and under are free with a paying adult. Register online today! Space is going quick.
Click here more information and a tour schedule. Tour photos and updates can also be found on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.