27 May 2014

Healthy Plate Project

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A partnership between Sisters Of The Road, Portland Farmers Market and New Seasons Market

From Kris Soebroto, Cafe and Development Co-manager, Sisters Of The Road

Sisters Of The Road (Sisters) has always been at the forefront of challenging a food system that does not prioritize the right to “good food” for those experiencing homelessness and poverty. Throughout the summer 2014 farmers market season, Sisters is initiating Healthy Plate Project, a collaboration with Portland Farmers Market and New Seasons Market, that will show another innovative way for healthy food to be truly accessible for all.

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A Sisters of the Road volunteer picking out fresh local produce from the farmers market

At Sisters, volunteers are “paid” in punch cards for work done to help the Cafe serve its 250 daily meals. Volunteers do anything from serving food and drinks to bussing tables, plating food, hosting bathrooms and handing out timeslot reservations. A half hour of work at Sisters is paid with a $3.00 punch card – enough for a meal and drink for two. For the past 35 years, these cards have been earned, shared and traded between Sisters customers; often a volunteer will give cards they’ve earned to friends and newcomers.

Sisters punch cards can be turned in for delicious meals in the Cafe, but until now, there has been no other location to redeem these hard-earned cards. This summer, customers will be able to redeem their punch cards at area farmers markets. With a grant from New Seasons Market, Sisters customers will be shopping at a number of Portland Farmers Markets both downtown and on the east side.

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Punch cards can be used to purchase herb and vegetable starts too

Healthy Plate Project coincides with Sisters Of The Road’s summer matching gift challenge, Full Plate Project, that celebrates the work done in their Cafe to fill both the hearts and plates of Sisters community. Donations to Full Plate Project make an extra special impact because during June and July, every donation will be matched $1-for-$1 by a pool of generous donors. Only when healthy food is available to everyone will all our plates be filled. Support Sisters work to bring healthy food to those who need it the most by donating here.

ABOUT SISTERS OF THE ROAD: Founded in 1979, Sisters Of The Road uses nonviolence to support community driven solutions to the calamities of homelessness and poverty. Sisters’ Cafe is open to everyone, serving low cost, hot, nutritious meals. Sisters also provides job training, support to parents and children, and innovative solutions to the issues surrounding poverty and homelessness through self and community advocacy.