16 September 2010

Weekly Market Report – Begins with B-E-E Edition

B-E-E-F: Carman Ranch raises grass-fed beef in Oregon’s Wallowa Valley. If you are like me in the sense that you live in Portland for its urban amenities instead of its proximity to nature and the outdoors, nay the rugged outdoors, the Wallowa Valley is tucked up in the Northeastern corner of the state – closer to Idaho than Portland. Although you might recognize Carman Beef from trips to Pastaworks or from the menu of clarklewis, Ned Ludd or Tabla. The Carmans are a just as likely a familiar sight from their appearances at PSU on Saturdays. Stop by this week and say hi and talk about ordering a beef share this fall. If you are wondering what you would do with that much beef, the Carmans will be joined by Lynne Sampson Curry author of the forthcoming Pure Beef: A New Way to Cook and Eat America’s Favorite Meat (Perseus/Running Press, 2012), Lynne will share cooking tips, recipes

Busy as Something or Other

and ideas. Learn more about Lynne by checking out her blog. And you can check out Carman Ranch from the comfort of your couch here. Sure the website is full of what looks like inviting pictures, just keep in mind man v. nature is more than a literary theme.

B-E-E: This Friday, the 17th, Queen of the Sun, What the Bees are Telling Us?, opens for at least a 2 week run at the Hollywood Theater. Sure it is a movie, where experts like Michael Pollan explain the importance of bees. But the nightly screenings are also an interactive fiesta with raffles, local beekeepers, the film’s director, hive keeper and Portland Mayor Sam Adams and a chance to visit the city’s beeworks with the Tour De Hive. Learn More by visiting the documentary’s website here.

B-E-E-R: Okay that one was easy. Upright Brewery makes beer and they sell tall bottles of French and Belgian style Ales at PSU. These aren’t your everyday lagers; definitely worth the taste.

B-E-E-T-S: Rick Steffen, Groundworks, the Spring Hill Gang are all are going to be selling this undervalued beet. Don’t let the ones you were forced to eat from a can as a kiddie deprive your adult taste buds. Beets and Beef stock make for some fine borscht. Top it with some sour cream and enjoy the chill of the night air.  Yep, it is soup weather. Summer, oh summer gone before we barely knew thee.