DIYers and the DIY-curious take note: The second annual Urban Homesteading Fair will take place at the King Farmers Market on Sunday, September 15th from 10am-2pm. Whether you are a new or seasoned cook, gardener, crafter, maker, grower or homesteader, there will be something for everyone to learn and enjoy.
Here’s the stellar lineup of partners that will be on hand to share their expert advice:
- Slow Food Portland discussing Slow Food movement of good, clean and fair food and bringing a display of books for perusal.
- Portland Fruit Tree Project providing information about tree registration, tree care and food preservation workshops, and harvesting events.
- Master Gardeners with expert advice about gardening in the Pacific NW.
- A self-service food preservation station with books, recipes, how-to guides and example equipment will be on display.
- Pulp & Deckle papermakers from St. Johns conducting papermaking demonstrations and offering information about workshops for furthering the craft.
- Seed & Thistle apothecary CSA talking all things herbal medicine.
- Energy Trust of Oregon educating homeowners on how to use less energy, save on energy costs and move to renewable resources.
- Knitting 101 teaching the basics of knitting, including basic terminology and different types of stitches. Shoppers will have the opportunity to make their own swatch. Patterns for adult and children’s hats will be available for shoppers to take home.
- Beekeepers from Portland Urban Beekeepers talking about honey bee culture, bee cycles, what flowers are best for honey bees, and how important honey bees are in pollinating crops.
- Kombucha 101 with ANAO’s “Kambucha Queen” providing information, samples and demonstrations about how to make kombucha. Private instruction also available.
- METRO DIY home care provides recipes for non-toxic house cleaners to make at home and resources for reducing toxics around the house.